Year 3/4 - Hazel Class
Hazel class started the year by drawing portraits of themselves in the style of Andy Warhol and using his Pop Art colours. They used a black and white photograph of themselves to work from, drawing their outline on the tile in felt tip pen. Using contrasting colours, they then painted themselves in the Pop art style.
During our History topic on the Ancient Egyptians, Hazel class looked at heiroglypics (Ancient Egyptian writing) and wrote their name in a cartouche. A cartouche is frame (oval shape with a lined base) which the royalty in Ancient Egypt would have their name engraved. Can you use the key to find out who has written their names from Hazel class?
This week, Wednesday 22nd January, Hazel class have been experimenting with different painting techniques. They used paint brushes, sponges, cotton buds and glue spatulas and lolly sticks. They will then use those techniques for their end of unit still life artwork.
In writing, Hazel class have started to write up their non-chronological reports about the Amazon River. They have done lots of research and planning and are going to include lots of features to entice the reader the enjoy learning all about this fascinating river. Here are some front covers to get you interested.
The week beginning 3rd February 2025 is Children's Mental Health Week. We have been thinking about this year's theme - 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.' We have thought about our personalities and what makes us all unique. We created Pesonality Islands just like the film Inside Out!
Thursday 6th February 2025 was our Homework evening, where the children brough in their topic homework to share and then the parents and carers could come and have a look at it. Here are some examples of the fantastic pieces of homework that the children produced.
This Spring term, our Art and Design work has been looking at different painting techniques and how to add black and white to colours to create tints and shade and to make their final Still Life art pieces.