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LKS2 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2

Meet the Team


Mr Bush

Hazel Class Teacher

Computing & Website Lead


Mrs Collins

Larch Class Teacher

Music Lead

R.E. Lead

Mrs Davison

Beech Class Teacher

Assistant Headteacher

Writing Lead

Mrs Harrison

Beech Class Teacher

Science Lead


Miss Holt

PPA Cover

Mrs Mitchell

Class Support

Mrs Namrood

Class Support







Typical Day

8.45am Doors open – children come into class and settle with a multiplication challenge

9.00am Assembly

9.30am English

10.30am Break

10.45am Maths

12.00am Lunch time

1.00pm Registration

1.00pm Guided Reading

1.30pm Science/Geography etc...

2.30pm Computing/Art etc...

3.20pm Home time

Tuesday is PPA

Beginning and End of Day Routines

  • External gates are opened at 8.45am and locked at 9.00am.
  • Children are welcomed into classrooms from 8.45am to allow a 10 minute settling in period each day.
  • If late, always report to the main school office.
  • At the end of the school day the middle side gate is opened to EYFS parents at 3.10pm and the main gate is opened at 3.15pm for collection of pupils in Y1-6.
  • If anyone else is collecting your child please make sure the class teacher is made aware- please phone the school office in an emergency.
  • Siblings must be 16 or over to collect children.
  • Children that have not been collected by 3.30pm will be taken to After School Club at a cost of £9.75 per pupil.



Promoting and rewarding positive behaviour

House point system

The class is randomly split into 5 teams.  When children are noticed making positive choices, they are rewarded with a house point.  The house point is represented visually with a marble.  This enables us to reinforce and reward positive behaviours.  All staff have a responsibility to ‘catch children in a positive light’. Each Friday at home time, the pots are checked and the team with the most house points are rewarded with a treat from the class prize box.

Good to be Gold system

The Good to be Gold system will run alongside the House Point system, but this is used to support children in understanding their inappropriate behaviour choices. 

Each child starts every day with three stars – one gold, one silver and one bronze.  Having all three stars on a name card is a visual representation that a child is making all the right behaviour choices.

As the aim is to be gold, stars are removed in this order – first gold, second silver and third bronze.  For children that keep all of their stars all the time, there will be a weekly reward, hence ‘good to be gold’. 

Parents/ carers will be informed either verbally, or via Seesaw, if their son/daughter has lost any stars during the day.

Core Values






Reading Plus

Picture News

Maths Activity




Working together in partnership

  • School Spider is our school app for online communication between home and school
  • Pupil app will be used for homework and class announcements
  • Parent app will be used for whole school announcements and individual communications between family and school. Please remember that teachers will not be able to answer individual messages during the school day but will try to get back to you within 2 days.
  • Members of SLT (Senior leadership Team) will be on gate duty each day if you have any questions or concerns
  • Teachers are available at classroom doors at the beginning and end of the day, however if you need a longer conversation please make an appointment at another time
  • If you have any urgent messages for school during the school day, please telephone the school office on 0161 445 6577
  • At Broad Oak we believe that reading is the key to success in all areas of the school curriculum. Please make sure that your child reads at home for at least 10 minutes each day
  • Please make sure that your child arrives at school on time each day, ready to learn



English: Reading- 3 class guided reads and two Reading Plus sessions

Writing: taught daily based around a class text alongside spellings and handwriting

Mathematics- taught daily

Geography / History- taught weekly in half termly blocks

RE / PSHE – taught weekly in half term blocks

Computing – taught weekly

PE – taught twice a week 

Music – taught weekly from One Education  -learning to play an instrument

Art / D.T. – taught weekly in half term blocks

French taught weekly

Science taught weekly

An overview of the curriculum for Autumn 1 2024

  • In Maths, the focus will be place value and number
  • In English we are looking at instructional writing
  • In Science we are looking at a Living Things
  • In Geography, we will be finding our about the Continent of America.
  • Design Technology, we are looking at Pavilions and designing our own
  • Music is learning to play a brass instument
  • Games is Netball and PE is gymnastics
  • Computing this term is Networks

To support our planning we use:

White Rose Maths for Mathematics planning.

Kapow Primary for Art & Design, Computing and Design Technology

Rising Stars for Science, Geography and History

One Education for Music

Language Angels for French

GetSet4PE for Games and P.E.

P.E. days

Hazel – Monday and Thursday                        Larch – Monday and Wednesday

Beech – Tuesday and Thursday

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