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At Broad Oak, it is our intention to teach PSHE in alignment with our core values.


Children will have a positive attitude during PSHE lessons, so that they are equipped to live happily in a diverse world. They will develop an open attitude when learning about all types of families and understand that families all look different but are characterised by love and stability. Broad oak pupils will learn the skills to flourish as young people and then adults by adopting a healthy attitude to money, friendships, exercise, self-control and empathy.


Positive behaviours are at the core of our PSHE curriculum and it aims to ensure pupils have good manners and an understanding of respecting others. They will learn how their behaviours can affect others and how bullying can impact a person’s life and is always wrong. Furthermore, they will learn that they also have a responsibility as a bystander to seek help and support for the victim. Through PSHE lessons, the children will learn to read their peers’ behaviours and will become experts in understanding what that behaviour means and why a person might be behaving in such a way. Part of the PSHE curriculum will focus on behaviours when on-line and the importance of conducting themselves appropriately. At Broad Oak, we will ensure pupils have the skills to judge whether behaviours in a relationship are healthy and if not, have the confidence to distance themselves from it.


PSHE at Broad Oak incorporates British Values so that pupils grow up knowing that they have rights and responsibilities. They will learn that at particular times during their life, they might need to courageously speak up for what is right. Pupils will learn that they are entitled to be safe and happy, and if they feel unsafe or unhappy, they must seek out help. Children at Broad Oak will also learn that it is sometimes necessary to have the courage to leave friendships when they make you feel lonely or excluded.


Through the IMatter curriculum, pupils will grow to understand that living a healthy lifestyle in body and mind requires hard work and it is essential for them to adopt a determined attitude to be the best possible version of themselves.


All children will be encouraged to participate in PSHE enthusiastically and will play an active role in discussions. This will ensure the pupils of Broad Oak grow into adults that can share, listen, empathise and respond appropriately. Through the teaching of PSHE, children will also learn to strive towards goals.


Friendship is at the heart of all we do in PSHE and pupils will have the understanding that healthy friendships offer love, stability, security and mutual respect. All children will become equipped to choose and make friends; they will also learn the importance of spending time with friends.


It is our aim to develop children’s resilience through PSHE so that when life is at a challenging point, they will steer through the difficult times and come out the other side much stronger and wiser.


At Broad Oak Primary School, personal, social, and health education (PSHE) enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help children understand how they are developing personally and socially and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Our children are given the opportunity to learn about their rights and how to respect those of others and understand what it means to be a member of a diverse society. They are encouraged to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.


Broad Oak uses the iMatter curriculum developed and used by many Manchester schools. Five strands run through the curriculum- each of which are revisited and developed year on year in years 1-6. The five strands are:

Relationships and sex education

Mental and emotional health

Keeping safe

Healthy Lifestyles

Living in the wider world

With the exception of RSE, P.S.H.E. is delivered in mixed-age vertically grouped classes. RSE is taught in single aged groups due to the nature of the content. The curriculum is a spiral curriculum, with P.S.H.E. being taught in every year group over 3 alternating half terms.


At Broad Oak Primary School children will:

  • demonstrate the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of Law and Liberty.
  • demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school.
  • develop positive and healthy relationships between their peers both now and in the future.
  • understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level.
  • have respect for themselves and others.
  • understand how to keep their bodies and minds healthy.

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