Reception - Elm Class
Weekly News 14.2.25
This week:
In Literacy, we have been reading the story of The Great Paper Caper by Oliver Jeffers. This story is about a bear that chopped down trees, in order to make paper, so that he could enter a paper aeroplane competition. It is a story that shows us that working together with friends means that we can achieve so much more. The children have had lots of fun making paper planes and writing about them.
In Maths, we have been working on addition and different ways to make 5 and then 10 by counting on from a given number. We have also found the doubles of numbers to 6.
In Phonics we have completed this term's assessments and the children are all making progress. The assessments help us to be really sure of what the children know and what they still need to work on.
In Dance we have been looking at moving like farm animals and adding those movements to music. The children have all shown how imaginative they can be with their own ideas for how different animals move.
In Art, we have completed our clay models and some of these will be on display later in the year at the Parsonage Art Festival.
In continuous provision, around the classroom and also in our wonderful outdoor environment, the children have been writing messages for Valentine's Day, making photo frames for their pictures using card, drawing a range of machines and labelling them, flying their paper aeroplanes and making taxi's by joining to bikes together.