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At Broad Oak, it is our intention to teach Writing in alignment with our core values.


We endeavour to have a positive attitude towards writing, and encourage all children to write daily, both within and outside our school curriculum for a range of audiences.


We strive to be responsible for the actions that we take at all times, and develop positive behaviours for writing, such as being open to exploring all genres, self-correcting in our own writing, and re-reading our own writing during the editing process.


We aspire to give children courage to overcome their fears when faced with challenges in writing, and the support needed to achieve to the best of their abilities.


We work hard to overcome obstacles in order to reach our writing goals, and our daily writing lessons are a priority from EYFs to KS2. 


We are enthusiastic about writing, immersing our youngest children in exciting stories in EYFS, and building our English curriculum around carefully selected texts from a range of genres across Key Stage 1 and 2.

To achieve this, we aim to ensure that:


  • All children will develop an understanding of grammar and punctuation and be able to apply this accurately to their written work.
  • Children will use discussion in order to learn: they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas.
  • Children will spell words confidently and accurately: to begin with, pupils should use their phonics knowledge before moving on to applying known spelling conventions and learning the spellings of common exception words.
  • Children will write legibly and fluently in our school’s chosen style of joined handwriting (see our school’s handwriting policy).
  • Children will produce effective, well-presented written work.
  • Children will express opinions, articulate feelings and formulate responses to a range of texts both fiction and non-fiction using appropriate technical / descriptive vocabulary.
  • Develop powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness in all areas of literacy.
  • Any children not working at an age related level will receive additional support.
  • Children identified with spelling as a barrier to learning will receive additional support.




Writing planning and teaching

Teachers from Year 1 to Year 6 plan each unit of work based on HfL (Herts for Learning) materials, ensuring all key areas of teaching are included as listed below:

  • unpicking the genre/text type
  • reading for writing
  • grammar for writing
  • vocabulary building
  • talk for writing/oral rehearsal
  • writing planning
  • modelled/shared/guided writing
  • editing/improving/assessing/evaluating writing


Writing is taught daily for a minimum of 45 minutes. All areas of learning leading to the writing outcome are recorded in the pupil’s toolkit book (grey) and the final outcome pieces are recorded in the pupils writing outcome book (light blue). Each half term, at least one non-fiction genre will be taught, ensuring that by the end of the academic year, children have written for a range of different purposes.

Year group objectives:

At Broad Oak, we follow the National Curriculum objectives for teaching writing. Each phase’s objectives have been separated into year group specific objectives on our school assessment tool: Pupil Tracker. Additionally, each year group has its own year group WILF, which shows the grammatical features that we expect to be see in writing of this level. This ensures that, every year, objectives are built on so that the pupils are constantly widening the range of grammatical features which they can use in their writing.


We aim to provide for all children so that they achieve as highly as they can in English according to their individual abilities. We identify which pupils or groups of pupils are achieving below the age related expectation or are making less than expected progress and take steps to improve their attainment and progress. More able children are identified and suitable learning challenges provided through higher level texts and targeted teaching sessions, aimed at extending their learning further.

Children with additional needs or who are identified SEND in English receive tailored support and interventions based on the pupil’s individual needs.




We aim for our pupils to:

  • have an interest in words and their meanings, and to develop a growing vocabulary in both spoken and written form;
  • develop an understanding of grammar and punctuation and be able to apply this accurately to their written work;
  • appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage;
  • write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences;
  • use discussion in order to learn: they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas;
  • spell words confidently and accurately: to begin with, pupils should use their phonics knowledge before moving on to applying known spelling conventions and learning the spellings of common exception words;
  • write legibly and fluently in our school’s chosen style of joined handwriting (see our school’s handwriting policy);
  • produce effective, well-presented written work;
  • express opinions, articulate feelings and formulate responses to a range of texts both fiction and non-fiction using appropriate technical vocabulary;
  • develop powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness in all areas of literacy.

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